Sunday, 19 May 2013

Keeping it real… (May '13)

(Linda Southwood)

Let’s not just talk about love; let’s practise real love. This is the only way we’ll know we’re truly living in God’s reality. 1 John 3:18

Many have discovered that God (who is very big), is interested in me (who is very small, when you have the whole world to look after). He, God, doesn’t regard me as a nameless and faceless worker for Him but He sees me as significant, He knows my name, and He likes me. I don’t experience God as detached, disinterested, too busy, or distant. He is here to share my struggles, join me in my bad times, and bring me peace. 

And yet… there is an invitation for you and me to become more and more the kind of people who are aware of the divine presence, attuned to the depths of each and every moment and seeing God in more people, places and events each and every day. We have had our eyes opened to God everywhere, to seeing the beautiful in the ugly, finding the praise in the pain. 

And yet… we recently celebrated the dedication of two babies in Marlow congregation, Darcie and Zach Picillo. It was a fantastic morning, it was emotional, it was memorable and it was almost called off because of the snow. 170+ adults and children packed into the Holy Trinity School Hall. Such fun. So picture this: our slightly scruffy school hall filled, with standing room only, bursting at the seams with a bunch of new people and you’re not too sure who they all are. Other than you know they’re visitors because they’re the ones who have arrived on time (point made – move on.) The highlights were many and varied. Gerry Picillo gave us an insight into their family’s journey to River Church and said “when we thought about dedicating Darcie and Zach, we knew we had to do it here at River… where else would we go?” The Picillos live in Aylesbury, but have come to Marlow. If your geography’s not great, that’s miiiiiles away. 

And yet… if we don’t keep it real with God, we’re in danger of conceptually knowing Him but little more. If we don’t keep it real, then what’s the alternative – pretending? And if it’s not real, we find fewer reasons to seek God’s wisdom and His support for our ordinary daily life. What Gerry was referring to when he said “where else would we go?” obviously wasn’t literal. There are dozens of churches between Aylesbury and Marlow who would gladly have performed a baptism or dedication service. He meant that what he and Lori and the children have experienced is real, the love and support is real. The love has been as real as the pain and the darkness as well as the joys and celebrations. That’s the only thing that makes sense of travelling a 40 mile round trip to come to Church. This Church.

Keeping it real is about being authentic, and authentic is about being genuine with yourself, God and others around you.

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