What do you rely upon? Where does your trust ultimately lay?
If we’re honest, most of us trust in a wide variety of things. Some of us trust in our bank accounts and feel safe because we can buy what we need. Some rely upon our position or title to help us feel secure. Some trust in intellect, believing we will always be able to think our way out of trouble. Others of us trust in our friendships or families, feeling surrounded by folk willing to help us when needed. None of these things are bad. It’s good to aspire to wealth, wisdom and favour with men, but even if we have them all, we are foolish to trust or rely upon them.
The Bible encourages us to trust in God. As David said, “Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the LORD our God.” (Psalm 20:7) and his son, Solomon, said, “Unless the LORD builds the house, the builders labour in vain. Unless the LORD watches over the city, the guards stand watch in vain.” (Psalm 127:1). That’s why David didn’t take the kingdom from Saul when he had the chance. Even after he’d been anointed and promised the kingdom, he trusted God to make him king.
So what dreams has the Lord placed in your heart, what prophetic words has He spoken over you and what hopes has He given you? Prepare for them, position yourself to be able to step into them when the time comes, but don’t rely on your own efforts to get you there. Trust Him.
That is what the leadership of River is attempting to do. The Lord has spoken over us that we are to be a ‘resource church’, to bless the nation and the nations. He has also recently reminded us that we are called to be an apostolic resource centre – a community that sends out its best to bring life to other communities. That happens at a local level as we send folk into the estates within our towns. It happens at an international level through our missionaries & mission teams and it happens nationally through our partnership with Pioneer. Pioneer’s strategy to bless the UK is through partnership and through recognising where God’s grace rests on a church to bless their region. The aim is to build a network of regional networks that overflow with life and River is one such community.
I have been encouraged by the Lord’s grace in recent months: a number of healings in different settings, a regular trickle of people committing their lives to Jesus and prophetic words directing us to continue as we are. I have also been encouraged by the incredible folk in River, your generosity with time and finance, running messy churches and generally serving your communities with projects in partnership with other churches. Thank you!
When Pioneer established a national partnership with the Methodist Church, we agreed to take up the challenge to help revitalise 40 Methodist churches. River has recently been asked to explore partnership locally by three Methodist circuits! It’s early days, but God is building the house. Hallelujah! If we are truly to be a blessing to the Methodist churches that are looking to us, then we will need to send some of our best people to serve them. Some of us may even move for the work. That is costly as we often feel under-resourced ourselves, but as we give of our best, the Lord’s grace will be multiplied to us. Just as the food was multiplied in the hands of the disciples as they followed Jesus’ command to feed the 5000 with a few loaves and fish. If you’re reading this and your heart is stirred by the thought of helping to bring life to other churches, please let me know!